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🌏World Population day July 11 2020!

🌐This year the UNFPA’s goal on World Population Day 2020 is to raise awareness of women’s and girls’ needs for sexual and reproductive health and vulnerabilities during the pandemic.

♨️The COVID-19 crisis has taken a staggering toll on people, communities and economies everywhere. But not everyone is affected equally. Women, who account for the largest share of front-line health workers, for example, are disproportionately exposed to the coronavirus

🔏As countries are on lockdown and health systems struggle to cope, sexual and reproductive health services are being sidelined and gender-based violence is on the rise.

🙎‍♀️Women disproportionately work in insecure labour markets and are harder hit by the economic impacts of COVID-19.

📑Specific themes and angles include:

The overall UNFPA response to COVID-19.

📖👩👨The impact of COVID-19 on the “Three Zeros.” Whether your country faces challenges of gender-based violence, child marriage

📖👩‍🎓👨‍🎓Adolescents and youth. The pandemic has interrupted school and community-based services.

🤱Challenges for women and girls in humanitarian settings.

🤰Maternal health: Pandemic creates additional barriers to pregnant women who need antenatal care or safe-delivery services.

🧙‍How COVID-19 affects older people.

✒Rajenesh M.K.


ST. Thomas School, Chulliyode

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